Wednesday, November 30, 2011

100 Day Photo Challenge!

So I thought this would be something fun to participate in and also have a documented journey of things in actual time for the next hundred days. You too can try it at anytime!

Wish me luck!

Make an album saying 100 day photo challenge

1)A picture of you taken today

2)Your favorite movie ever

3)Picture of your screensaver

4)Something that makes you so happy

5)A childhood photo

6)Favorite candy

7)Picture of your room

8)Your last facebook post

9)Favorite piece of jewlery you own

10)Picture of you in a yoga stance

11)Picture of your phone

12)Something you own with polka dots on it

13)Cutest tennie shoes you own

14)Picture of love

15)Something in your place/room you think is cool

16)Something you can't live without

17)Picture of your closet in its current state

18)Picture of you & your best friend

19)Favorite jacket

20)A game you own

21)Picture of something from your childhood

22)Picture of your craziest hairstyle

23)Something you bought at the 99 cents store

24)CD you could listen to on repeat

25)Picture of you and a family member today

26)Someone you could never picture your life without

27)Picture of something you see en route to work everyday

28)Pic of the cutest undies you own (keep it PG)

29)Picture of your iPod

30)A picture of you today

31)Something you own from the 90's

32)Professional picture taken of you

33)Something embarassing in your room

34)Favorite sports team.

35)A shot of you at work

36)Favorite gift you have received from a friend

37)Favorite gift you have received from a family member

38)An animal dressed in a costume

39)Something yellow

40)Favorite beer

41)Picture of something you ate today

42)Something you did this weekend or last weekend

43)Picture of you at a theme park

44)Snapshot of you and your buddies

45)Snapshot of you holding an animal who is not yours

46)What you watched on tv today

47)Last website you visited

48)Shirt you wore today

49)Pic of you in funky/cute socks

50)Picture of you celebrating for getting this far

51)Your fav t-shirt

52)Favorite heels

53)Something you own that would surprise people

54)Most valued concert ticket stub

55)Love of your life

56)Someone you miss

57)Last book you read and FINISHED

58)Hobby you are currently working on

59)Something you collect that would surprise people

60)Your favorite flavor of gum

61)Picture of something "odd" in your refrigerator right now

62)Snapshot outside your front door

63)Picture of something that pains you

64)Picture of your bedroom in its current state

65)Picture of your lips with favorite lipstick/lipbalm (include lipstick/lipbalm in pic)

66)Snapshot of the sky at noon

67)Someone you wish you could trade places with for a least a day

68)Snapshot of you in a public restroom

69)You right before bed

70)Person you can always talk to

71)Something you do every day

72)Something red

73)Snapshot of you planking

74)Picture of your car in its current state (don't cheat)

75)Something that's within arm's reach of you

76)Favorite quote in your own handwriting

77)Something random in your wallet/purse

78)A picture of nephew/niece

79)Your soulmate

80)Someone who made you smile today

81)Quick, bust a RUN DMC pose

82)Favorite Disney movie you own

83)Quick snapshot while driving in car (preferrably while parked/stopped) CAUTIOUS

84)Picture of a storybook street

85)Take a picture of something "unique" at your workplace

86)Snapshot - underneath your bed

87)Snapshot of you first thing in the a.m. (no cheating)

88)Picture of last sent text message

89)Favorite picture of yourself

90)Pajamas you wore last night

91)Something you would never change for anything

92)A random item under your bathroom sink

93)Pic of the money in your wallet right now

94)Snapshot of the nearest food place within walking distance

95)Cassette you own (come on you know you own one)

96)An animal you own that anyone rarely sees

97)Picture of your front door

98)Shampoo in your shower right now

99)A guilty pleasure

100)I got 99 problems but a ___________!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We Found Love In A Hopeless Place

"It's like your screaming and no one can hear, you almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important, that without them you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless, like nothing can save you, and when it's over and it's gone, you almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back so that you could have the good."