Friday, October 8, 2010

My 10 Favorite Things Right Now!


1. My Hello Kitty Purse and its contents! I love love love this icon because let's face it, that's what she is! This purse is big and feels like a pillow. The inside is filled with her bow in black/red/white. How can you NOT like Hello Kitty?

2. Pictures of my little bros. I used to take pics of them all the time doing whatever. I had so much fun with them growing up! They are the best part of my life!

After a 4 game BULLSHIT suspension as a result of a LYING BUTTHEAD (bitter you say? You're damn right!), he will take the field for the first time this season at Heinz Field against the MUTTS! DO WORK! Show them what you're made of. You can't keep the GOOD ONES DOWN! Go STEELERS!!!! 7 in 11!

4. My Pink Snuggie! Though it was given to me, I so wanted to buy one. Weird in the final look but GREAT in the outcome. It is the warmest blanket you could ask for. With the sudden cold weather we just experienced, this little baby came in handy and I LOVE it!! Bring on my Snuggie. LAME you yell, WARM I say! Continue to freeze your asses off Snuggie haters! (side note: I will NOT, I repeat WILL not be wearing this to any public functions).

5. OKTOBERFEST with my guy E!
FINALLY made it out to Alpine Village last Saturday October 2nd in Torrance. Ok, let's break it down in simple terms you all understand: PACKED, COPS-everywhere, BEER, FIGHTS, COSTUMES, $11 beer EACH!, STEINS, DAS BOOTS, YUMMY LAGER, FUN!
I was invited by E to go and I did. Interesting. That's all on this topic.

6. Katy Perry's "Peacock" song. Original or remixed, it is my new fav song! It's a little Toni Basil's "Mickey" meets Madonna's underlying sexual crudeness and I LOVE IT!!!! Catchy lil' diddy!
"Are you brave enough to let me see your peacock? Don't be a chicken boy stop acting like a biatch. I'm gonna peace out if you don't give me the pay off. I want to see your Peacock, cock, cock, cock." Delicious! Take a listen and yu be the judge ;-)

7. The new 2010 Topps Football cards. $4.99 for 36 cards at Target? You can't beat that! I love my football and YES I still collect my cards. WHAT!

8. My "Marlene" necklace. I had it made at the mall for like $12 by an older man who did a great job. I think so. Love this and anything with my name on it. Not vain, just like things with my name, so what. LOL

9. My black wig and "Pepper Gambier" look. LOL. Okay, let me explain my name. It is my stripper/pornstar name. They say you take the first name of your first pet and the name of the street you grew up on and combine them. VOILA! Alter "hoochie" ego, Vixen Pepper Gambier. The wig was actually bought for a costume but I decided I hated it and before I returned it, I snapped a few photos in it. Yeah that's right, I wore it for a few minutes before I returned it. Don't act like none of ya'll ain't never did it dirty like that! Atleast my hair is clean and bug free! Anyhow, I only did one eye and not the other hence the covered other eye (even though you can still see it a little...hahaha). What's your porn/stripper name?

Thank you for posting yours. It made my day a lot more fun! I enjoyed this and I hope to do this again. Hope you see this because you are truly an amazing makeup guru and my TOP guru by far period! Thank you for all of the amazing looks over the past year. You have made me challenge my artistic skills! Congrats to you and Bobby and your pending "cupcake." Kisses!

Thanks guys. Hope you enjoyed this!
